Mission: The mission of Ironside Fitness and Sports Training is to provide you with an abundance of Determination, Dedication and Direction to be successful.  We will motivate you, keep you consistent and accountable, and give you the knowledge to achieve all your health, fitness, wellness and sports performance goals.  We will provide this service, so you can become your personal best!

Philosophy:  Welcome to Ironside Fitness and Sports Training.  We at Ironside understand that each person is unique and requires an individualized, scientific approach to training to become the best you can be.

What does an individualized approach mean?  Since each person comes to us with a different training experience, knowledge base, fitness and sports background, medical history, nutritional habits, goals, and reasons for those goals, we begin with a questionnaire to gain a background and then proceed to fun and easy assessments.

The assessments will identify any imbalances in posture, movement, and joint range of motion to correct overactive and under-active muscle groups.  We will also do a strength and overall fitness assessment to better understand where you are today and where we will begin together.  The results are important in building the program that is correct for you so we can progress to maximizing your full potential.

Based on the results the National Academy of Sports Medicine's OPT Model will be applied.  This model consists of three stages:  stabilization, strength and power.  Within these three stages, there are six phases of training including stabilization, muscular endurance, hypertrophy, maximum strength, power and maximum power.  We will use various types of training within each phase including balance, agility, quickness, linear speed, strength and power that are appropriate for each individual.

Lastly, we will emphasize various forms of flexibility and cardiorespiratory training that align with your goals and provide you with nutritional guidelines and recommendations that are appropriate based on various training and medical factors.

Contact us today to get started!